在下方輸入您的Triton 集裝箱跟踪號,格式應為 TRIU1234567,獲取實時的 Triton 集裝箱狀態。
Click on "Load tracking box" -> Wait for tracking page to load -> Enter order Number and track - > Now click Close |
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TRANS ASIA GROUP的公司已將其業務範圍擴展到各個領域。作為旗艦公司,位於印度科欽的 Trans Asia Shipping Services (P) Ltd 在船舶擁有、國際和國內(印度)班輪運營、集裝箱擁有、物流、種植園、造船和房地產領域有著不同的興趣。集團公司如下:-在印度:Trans Asian Shipping Services (P) Ltd.、Cochin.、Trans Asia Plantations.、Century Shipyard (P) Ltd. 海外:Trans Asian Shipping Services (Pte) Ltd.、新加坡.
- If you have problem with our container tracking system, please track your container directly on the Triton website.
- If you get no tracking information from Triton official website, you’d better contact Triton.
Triton Container Tracking Number Format
When you ship with Triton, you will get a Triton container tracking number with format TRIU1234567, TRIU is one of Triton’s prefix. Triton has the following prefix: TRIU, TTNU, TCNU, TCKU, YOIU, TRHU and HNSU.
Know more Triton container tracking number information from below picture.
Help Center of Triton Container Tracking
如果您對我們的 Triton 跟踪系統有任何疑問,請在此處提交您的問題,我們將盡快為您提供幫助。
聲明:我們不能代表您聯繫承運人或其他人,我們只能幫助您在官方跟踪系統上使用您的 Triton Container 跟踪號跟踪您的包裹。