Florens Container Tracking ,Bill of Lading,Trace Shipments

Enter your Florens container tracking number below. The format must be FSCU1234567. Get real-time Florens container status.

About Florens Container Service

Florence Container TrackingSince 1987, when we delivered our first container with Florence Long Term Lease, we have steadily increased our commitment to the global shipping industry. Early on, the focus was on supplying dry and refrigerated containers in long-term leases for Asia-based accounts, particularly Cosco. In 1992, we invested in containers as part of a third-party management program. By 1995, the long-term unit’s customer base had expanded to include carriers outside Asia. In 1996, our organization expanded globally by opening offices and depots around the world. At the same time, master leases and short-term leases were added to the portfolio. Open top and flat racks have been added to the growing fleet of dry cargo and refrigerated containers. Not only are we positioned to handle the leasing sector of the industry, we also offer a complete array of used containers for sale worldwide.

Florens tracking help

  • If you have problems with the container tracking system, please track your container directly on the Florence website .
  • If you can’t get the tracking information from Florens official website , we recommend contacting Florens.

Contact Florence on Social Media

Florens can be reached through the following

  • Facebook
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Florens Container Tracking Number Format

When shipping with Florens, you will get a Florens container tracking number in the format FSCU1234567. FSCU is a Florens prefix.

Florens container services have the following prefixes: FBIU , FBLU , FBZU , FCIU , FJKU , FSCU , JTMU , and PGXU.

Learn more about Florens container tracking number from the picture below.
florence tracking

Florens Container Tracking Help Center

If you have an issue with the Florens container tracking system, please submit an issue here. We will get back to you as soon as possible.
Declaration : We are unable to contact the shipping carrier or other vendors on your behalf. We can only help you track your package using the Florens Container tracking number on official tracking systems.

Useful Links

Track More Container Shipments