How to Identify Container Owners with Container Owner Code

Identify Container Owners with owner code.

How to Identify Container Owners

With so many container shipping businesses, it can be difficult to know exactly who owns a container. Adding to the mystery is many codes for container numbers and letters, such as the container owner code. Here, we will try to decipher container logistics.

It is no exaggeration to say that shipping containers are ubiquitous, as more than 90% of the world’s cargo is shipped in containers. And the same is true for container owners around the world. If you are using shipping containers, you are likely to own one of the following three container owner types 👇

If you just want to know if you want to lease or own a container, jump to that part.

But for now, there are various container owners here.

Shipping Companies

Shipping companies such as Maersk own and use shipping containers. For these shipping companies, it makes sense to be the owner of the container. In this way, they can cost-effectively transport cargo around the world. Certain demand is required for container owners to be cost effective. The demand you expect is continuously high.

But that doesn’t mean that the container you use doesn’t belong to a shipping company. Due to complexity and logistics, a shipping company may be required to lease the container. When shipping companies lease containers, they can save on container costs when it comes to storage, relocation, and maintenance.

Leasing Company

About 52% of the world’s container fleet is owned by 13 leasing companies. These leasing companies build containers for the purpose of leasing them.

Leasing companies such as Triton and Seaco are basically waiting for shipping companies and other container users to need to ship their containers. As a result, both standard and special containers are stored around the world.

Shipper owned container

Containers owned by the shipper are also known as SOC containers. And, as it states, the container is owned by the shipper.

If you use a SOC container, it’s almost always free. If the shipper wants to use the container, it wants to move the container. In other words, you move their containers and they don’t have to pay for expensive relocations.

This is also known as a one-way container lease.

However, regardless of the owner of the container you are using, the shipping container has a container code and markings. All of them are important for a smooth journey. Not only to ensure the safety of cargo and containers.

So many ciphers

The container door has a column of numbers. These shipping container codes help identify and provide important information about the container. What is needed by all parties throughout the container logistics chain.

In the world of the shipping industry, many have several names. The same applies to containers. Take the standard 20 feet. For example, it is known as DV (Dry Van) or SD (Standard). Various abbreviations that some people know and some do not.

This is where the ISO code comes into play. The ISO code contains four numbers. They show container characteristics such as container length, height, and specific quality. This way, the container will not display the region abbreviation. Save everyone from confusion and mistakes.

Below the ISO code, there is a capacity mark. These markings indicate the capacity of the container. Like that tare.

Container owner code

Important container owner code

One of the most eye-catching numbers in a container is the container number. Here’s the container owner code, which is the code we’re focusing on today.

The entire container number consists of 4 letters and 7 numbers. The first three of these letters indicate the container owner code. The last letter is the product group code.

The numbers also tell the story. The first six are chosen by the owner. These are serial numbers, which are required for all containers to be identifiable.

The first three of these letters indicate the container owner code. These three letters indicate that the owner of the container is registered with BIC.

The container owner code follows the container owner. This means that all containers owned by the container owner will display the same container owner code. However, that does not necessarily mean that you are the owner of the container that is using the container. It can also be rented or operated by another person.

Being able to track a container and its owner is essential in the shipping industry. By being able to do so, supply chain stakeholders can track and ensure that containers and cargo are safe.

But how do you get one of these container owner codes? Please continue reading. I will explain the process.

Get container owners code

Of course, container owners can apply for a container owner code. But so are lease owners and container operators. That is, if you have full control over the container as if you were the actual owner of the container.

To get the container owner code, I have an application that needs to be run. On the BIC website, you need to specify the three different combinations you want as code, in case the first option is already being used by someone else.

After submitting the application, BIC checks the code to see if someone else is using it. If not, a code will be assigned. If they are used, you will be notified and asked to send a new combination.

If you have a code, BIC will charge you a registration fee. The fee is 2000 euros. The code number will be reserved for 2 weeks. If the fee has not been paid by then, the reservation will be cancelled. And someone else can get the code.

Each year, you will receive a renewal fee of € 536 from BIC.

Lease or own

In some situations it may make sense to lease or own the container you are using.

If you need few containers for storage, it makes sense to be the owner of the container. The same can be said. If you need containers indefinitely, use them often and don’t need too many.

On the other hand, you may be in a situation where the number of containers you need to rent is small. Also, you may need a large number of containers, but only in one direction. Or you need a short-term container.

These are just a few of the situations where it makes sense to lease a one-way container.