Compulsory Container Markings – Important Meanings

Mandatory Container Markings that helps to understand transportation information.

All containers visible on the door should use compulsory container markings. Each of these markings plays an important role in transportation and is important for container monitoring and general safety. Take a look at the markings on these containers individually to understand what they mean.

Compulsory Container Markings

Container markings and their meaning

Compulsory container marking

(1) The container number is the most important and complex marking of the door and is a unique alphanumeric sequence of 4 and 7 numbers to identify the container internationally. It is assigned by the classification body ISO under code ISO 6346: 1995 (E).

The owner prefixes with the first three capital letters (in this case CBC = Container Brokerage Company or MAE for Maersk). It is unique and must be registered with the International Transport Intermodal (BIC) to avoid duplication. Here you can perform a BIC search at any time to determine the owner of the container. However, keep in mind that the container owner does not necessarily have to operate the container as it may lease the container to another shipping company or operator.

Equipment category identifier that represents a freight container with a “U” in this container. Other categories are J-removable freight container related equipment and Z-trailers and chassis. Along with the owner code, categories can be grouped into a single term called the alpha prefix.

The serial number or registration number (200031) consists of 6 digits and is determined by the owner.

(2) The last number of the container number is placed among the remaining numbers on the right side and is called a check digit. It doesn’t seem to matter, but it’s very important because it determines if the entire ID is valid. Once a unique BIC code and 6-digit serial number have been entered into the BIC check digit calculator, a check digit to validate the container will be displayed.

(3) To avoid the problem of container naming, each container is given a unique ISO code by BIC. why? Because it’s 20 feet. For example, standard containers are called dry bins, general purpose, or dry bins in various countries. In our case, 22G1 means a 20’container with a height of 8’6′ and a tare weight of 2250kg.

The first character represents the length, the second character represents the width and height, and the third character is the identifier for the container type and other characteristics. The fourth position is a new type of container code that indicates a weakened container.

Marking on the back of the container

(4) The container can carry up to 30,480 kilograms, including its own weight of 2,180 kilograms.

(5) The tare weight of the container is the actual weight of the empty container, in this case 2,180 kilograms. It is provided by the manufacturer and should be considered by all ship operators to avoid planning issues and maritime disasters.

It is the difference between (6) maximum weight that can be packed (= maximum payload), (4) maximum weight, and (5) tare weight. In our case, we can load 28,300 kilograms of cargo into a container. This is the weight shown on the bill of lading and does not include the tare weight.

(7) Cube-maximum. It is the capacity that can be packed by the capacity of the cube, and of course, the container cannot be overpacked by the capacity.

(8) All containers used for international transportation require a valid CSC plate to ensure good condition for safety reasons. For example, it contains manufacturing data and information about the owner of the equipment … I’ll cover everything related to CSC plates for shipping containers in a separate article.

(9) The container must be operated by either ACEP or PES (Periodic Inspection Scheme) from the first day. The first inspection is not required for up to 5 years, but the scheme must be in place to operate. Containers cannot be loaded onto a ship without a valid ACEP sticker or next inspection date (under PES).

Mandatory Marking

Mandatory additional container marking

Mandatory operational markings are intended to convey the information needed to move the container and provide visual warnings for container weight, overhead electrical hazards, and containers over 2.6 m. ..

Most container markings are on the front door of the shipping container, but the identification number (BIC code + serial number + check digit) and size and type code are also displayed on both sides, and the front end is displayed to the crane operator. Transporters, authorities and forklift operators.